Immunotherapy for Cancer - NCI
Immunotherapy helps the immune system to better act against cancer. What are the types of immunotherapy? Several types of immunotherapy are used to treat cancer.
Side Effects of Immunotherapy - NCI - National Cancer Institute
Immunotherapy side effects happen when the immune system that has been prompted to act against the cancer also acts against healthy cells and tissues in the body. Learn about the types of side effects that immunotherapy might cause and where to go for more information.
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors - NCI - National Cancer Institute
Immunotherapy drugs called immune checkpoint inhibitors work by blocking checkpoint proteins from binding with their partner proteins. This prevents the “off” signal from being sent, allowing the T cells to kill cancer cells. One such drug acts against a checkpoint protein called CTLA-4.
Definition of immunotherapy - NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms
Immunotherapy uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer. This animation explains three types of immunotherapy used to treat cancer: nonspecific immune stimulation, T-cell transfer therapy, and immune checkpoint inhibitors.
Cancer Treatment Vaccines - Immunotherapy - NCI - National Cancer Institute
Cancer treatment vaccines are a type of immunotherapy that treats cancer by strengthening the body’s natural defenses against the cancer. Unlike cancer prevention vaccines, cancer treatment vaccines are designed to be used in people who already have cancer—they work against cancer cells, not against something that causes cancer.
Nivolumab - NCI - National Cancer Institute
Nivolumab works by binding to the protein PD-L1 on the surface of some cancer cells, which keeps cancer cells from suppressing the immune system. This allows the immune system to attack the cancer cells. Nivolumab is a type of immunotherapy drug called an immune checkpoint inhibitor.
T-cell Transfer Therapy - Immunotherapy - NCI - National Cancer Institute
T-cell transfer therapy is a type of immunotherapy that makes your own immune cells better able to attack cancer. There are two main types of T-cell transfer therapy: tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (or TIL) therapy and CAR T-cell therapy.
Development of Cancer Immunotherapy
The objective was to amplify and unleash the body’s natural ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells. The resulting field, now called immunotherapy, has made important advances in cancer treatments using monoclonal antibodies and cytokines, as well as cell-based therapies.
Types of Cancer Treatment - NCI
Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that helps your immune system fight cancer. This page covers the types of immunotherapy, how it is used against cancer, and what you can expect during treatment.
Immunotherapy: How the Immune System Fights Cancer - NCI
Immunotherapy uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer. This animation explains three types of immunotherapy used to treat cancer: nonspecific immune stimulation, T-cell transfer therapy, and immune checkpoint inhibitors.