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What Is Bioengineering? - ASME
Bioengineering is a complex field. As the blending of technology and medicine grows, so to does the bioengineering field.

Engineering Biographies - ASME
Learn about the engineering history, biographies, and landmarks across all engineering disciplines from ASME - the center of Engineering conversations

10 Top Trends in Bioengineering in 2020 - ASME
This story was updated on 10/14/2022. Biomedical engineering is a rapidly evolving, cross-disciplinary field that involves medicine, biology, chemistry, engineering, nanotechnology, and computer science.

How Bioengineers Are Enhancing the Quality of Healthcare
Biomaterials include both living tissue and artificial materials used for implantation. Understanding the properties and behavior of living material is vital in the design of implant materials. The selection of an appropriate material to place in the human body may be one of the most difficult tasks faced by the biomedical engineer.

10 Influential Women in Engineering - ASME
CEO and Chief Engineer, Adafruit Industries Limor “Ladyada” Fried is an engineer, open source hardware and software pioneer, and entrepreneur. Fried earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) and a master’s degree in EECS at MIT.

Biomedical Engineering in Sports Medicine - ASME
Sports medicine is a growing field, uniting biomedical engineers with sports medicine professionals, allowing the field to advance in materials with the creation of ergonomic prosthetics with biocompatible materials, monitoring systems for recovering injuries, mechanical bracing apparatus for weak joints, and more.

From Engineer to Entrepreneur - ASME
Steve, looking back as an engineer and owner of your own company, how did your education prepare you to be an entrepreneur? First, I earned a BSE degree. As a foundation, that degree gave me equal amounts of electrical, materials, mechanical, and civil engineering courses. Then I enrolled in the MBA program immediately after completing my BSE.

Biomechanics | Journal of Biomechanical Engineering - ASME
The Journal of Biomechanical Engineering reports research results involving the application of mechanical engineering knowledge, skills and principles to the conception, design, development, analysis and operation of biomechanical systems including: artificial organs and prostheses; bioinstrumentation and measurements; bioheat transfer; biomaterials; biomechanics; bioprocess engineering ...

2024 Holiday Gift Guide for Your Engineer - The American Society of ...
With this tool set, the engineer in your life can experience the thrill of saying, “Hand me the hydrospanner!” while reaching into a tool case that looks like it actually came off the Enterprise. Some of the tools in this set include a bit holder, pry knife, electrostatic ring, tweezers, screwdriver bits, and SIM card tools, among many others.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) promotes the art, science & practice of multidisciplinary engineering around the globe.



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